Fuck noe. I'm so lazy to update my blog. Whatmore revamping the whole thing.
I'll make sure it'll be revamped before 2006 comes. So, what's your resolution for 2006? I have mine already and it's gonna be a big big secret for fuck's sake. nyehe. Oh! Guess where I'm at now? The campus' MLC. Freaking laggy seh. I'm supposed to do my e-learning but oh well, you should know Shikin. =p
Amy's using the comp beside mine and I swear she's nuts. What's so funny huhh? She said she likes to see her name on my blog. Oh, that's cause she's reading it. ButThenAgain. What's so funny? hehe.
Yayyy!! I'm going to KL this Christmas. Oooooh! I can't wait! But sadly, I can't attend Hazel's xmas party. Sorry doll. I'll make it up to you and the gang. And that silly woman is turning 20. Finally! Old old you! hehe.
I've been reading the FI's bestfriend's friendster blog. I feel for her. But I still hate him. Ok Kin, get over it. Well, she's sucha darling and I was thinking of getting her something for her birthday. Cause, i think it's coming soon. Poor girl, but you people should feel for me even more ok. hehe. I'm in need of attention! I'm lacking lotsa needs in MASLOWS HIERARCHY.
Ok, toodles, 3/4 of the m4 are like packing their bags and stuff. I'd better go now. I don't wanna be the *always-oh-so-lembab-one* in the group. So, ta! I'll update again tonight (maybe).